Shelter News - June 2016

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The question is...Where have we been for the last three months?...Well Dear People...The answer is here!!!


Working hard...Very hard...Everyone except Leslie...Who has been lying around in a hammock...Having daily banana splits...AND having put on thirty kg...Even without having ever seen him, you would recognize him with the description...He's the "whale-like" creature...Ageing...Shuffling along the road...Stopping, getting down on all fours...And feeding biscuits to every dog he sees...


So My Dears...In explanation...And in defense...One of the jobs of the Shelter is to always keep searching for ways to raise funds to keep it going...Thus...As of late...Going on into the night...Behind the scenes...We have been working on putting a presentation together...That gives a well-rounded view of the many faces of our work...That will even leave whoever sees it feeling warm and fuzzy... 

We're intending to use it broadly in many circumstances...Would welcome feedback and suggestions. 

With blessings and love,

Leslie (The Whale)


(For those of you that have handheld phones, we resolved the technical difficulty, and you can now view the Newsletter videos.)


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Arunachala Animal Sanctuary and Rescue Shelter
Chengham Road opposite the Government Art College, Tiruvanammalai, India
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