The regeneration of young, forlorn Swetha
We got a young Dalmatian girl in a few months ago. Think she's a little over a year. Had been an "owner" dog but was simply abandoned when they left. Vishwa got reports of her for several weeks and finally caught her.
She was scared and confused. The family probably had children whom she loved. They just dumped her. And left. She lost everything that was dear to her. Without any understanding it was just GONE.
The beauty of it is how quickly she bounced back. She is absolutely joyful, and bounds around wrestling and chasing. She adores supervisor Raja....I named her Beauty. But someone else named her Swetha, which is what stuck.
Swetha babe, you're a joy to watch.
She plays so hard, she drinks enough for a camel to make a desert crossing.
We got a call from someone that had found a home for her in Nilgiri, which is about seven hours away by car. It's a beautiful area. It was with an elderly woman who loved Dalmatians and had one whose partner had recently died. She had a lot of land and a caretaker who really liked dogs. Swetha would have been outside on the land most of the day. Clearly, she would have been taken care of beautifully. But I told this woman that I felt Swetha needed a home type setting, children, and a lot of active loving...And that her situation, tho' she would be taken care of beautifully, wouldn't provide the essence of what Swetha’s super-affectionate nature needed.
Vishwa has found a good home for her locally. She, in a sense, wouldn't be given as much "care". But they have two boys, four and eight, who are over the top at the prospect of getting her. They've been to the Shelter several times...the father and the boys...and it's a good match.
Om Namah Shivaya, dear Swetha…We will miss your joyful presence…Thank you for your blessings…Love,Us