Our beloved Shelter really is special
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A compassionate person found him on the street. He was in pain. Dr. Raja immediately gave him a painkiller injection.
“Pureheart” Supervisor Raja caressed and loved him as Dr.Raja prepared for surgery. 1½ months old. A real sweetie. The wound was probably inflicted by a dog bite, or he was hit by a two wheeler.The operation lasted ½ hour. Dr. Raja seated the eyeball in the socket and closed the lid.
I’m including it because we have shots of gentle Raja holding and reassuring him before the operation and the care he took in placing him in the cage, afterwards. Also, on the first video you see Dr. Raja injecting the anesthetic. It always amazes me how gently he gives the injections. The creatures he’s treating feel nothing.
Om Namah Shivaya
This little guy had been treated for a serious head injury. When I first saw the beginning of this video I thought, “What the hell are they doing releasing a semi-conscious young monkey”. Which is why I’ve included this.
Thought it sweet the way he seemed non-mobile until Prem put him down.Then he took off like a bullet.Clearly being in familiar territory. Running to join his extended family and his “mommy”.
May all of us…Dear Ones…Friends…Enemies…Heroes…Villains… Move toward Wisdom.
Vishwa saw her walking near the Shelter. Barely walking. She was in really bad shape. And she had that post-distemper twitching. She was six years old. And we named her Shanti.
She just laid on her side in one of our holding cages on a bed of straw for three days. Not eating. Not moving. Dr. Raja supported her thru i.v.’s that provided nutrition, anti-biotics and vitamins. On the third day I tried to infuse her with energy and pull her out of depression. And respond she did.
We decided to move her to the veranda where she would be snuggled by puppies and be closer to the “action”. She picked up immediately. Started eating within several days. Standing and walking on the tenth day. The sweetie died after a month and a half.
Her final time was one of feeling safe, secure, and loved. The alternative was being on the street. Suffering. Frightened. And dying alone and uncared for.
We put her on a Red Tara prayer list. Every morning before dawn for 49 days Tibetan Buddhist practitioners will say prayers for her and send her guiding and protective energy. Red Tara is the Tibetan Buddhist Goddess of Compassion.
May all beings be blessed. May all gain compassionate understanding.
This is an older story. Some of you may have seen it before. Including it because it’s one of my favorites and goes straight to the Heart.
Oh,SnuffyWe named this little guy Snuffy. He was about 1½ months when we got him. He was found on the streets in Chennai by a lady named Devika with whom we have a longtime connection. She had a really good Chennai shelter named Cattitude, which may still be going. AND she has a massive Heart, which sometimes does her in—Sound familiar?--. He’d lost his mother and had a bad skin condition—no hair. She was taking him to someone in Chennai that was very expensive and wasn’t making much headway on the skin condition. She asked if we’d take him in as a special favor. And so he was sent to us in A CAR. That makes him a 3500 rupee puppy.
The photo is a “before shot”. One of the videos (13 seconds) shows me holding him and he not really responding to my snuggling and kisses. He hadn’t yet recovered from the loss of his mother and his “survival days” on the Chennai streets. The second video (53 seconds) is a different story. A lot of his coat has come in. His Heart is re-opening. And he’s snuggling back.
We are so, so pleased dear Snuffy. Welcome back. Om Namah Shivaya
This guy was about six months old. Some compassionate person brought him in. I don’t know where they got him. But he was almost dead from malnutrition. Dr.Raja gave him neurobion injections for vitamins. We fed him fruit and veggies (bananas, cabbage, carrots, etc.) and both raw and cooked rice.
When he gained some strength he liked to swim around in that bowl of water you see.
Kept him about a month and then got him to a good bird sanctuary in Chennai.
I overdid it a little by including this one. But indulge me. Remember…I’m an old man.
Om Namah Shivaya May all Beings gain compassionate understanding.
The two calves you see Vishwa hugging have been badly neglected and abused. Underfed. Living in filth. Scanty protection from the sun and rain. They’re only nine months old. These poor babes…The condition of the cow, too. Only three years old, tells a sad story. Vishwa is holding her tail up so that you can see the raw infection in the genital area.
--------------------- The Poor Innocents --------------------
We took them out of their circumstances because they were so weak and close to death. The photo you see of them resting on straw in a clean environment was taken at the Shelter after rescue. These poor creatures could barely walk. They were so weak, Vishwa had to have them carried into the truck when he transported them.
Finally comfortableThey ate voraciously when they got to the Shelter. Dr. Raja also, through i.v.’s , gave them general nutrition, vitamins, anti-biotics and pain killers. A cow expert called in agreed with the treatment regimen. Vishwa was able to make them comfortable. They were given love and stroked during the day and throughout the night. Veera, who really knows cows, slept with them. We were unable to save them. All three died over the next three days. But those final days were good for them. All three were put on a Red Tara prayer list. It’s done before dawn for 49 days by an advanced group of Tibetan Buddhist practitioners. Red Tara is the Tibetan Buddhist Goddess of Compassion.
Post mortems performed (for evidence to be used in court) indicated that all three had died of starvation.
This incident led to a three month struggle in the High Court.
These three creatures were part of a much larger scene of neglect. We are including this story in the newsletter because it is so significant.
Please...Read the "Continue Reading" portion by clicking on the green button...It's saddening that something like this could happen...But it finally, after a hard fight, was stopped. And they will at last be cared for.